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Docutain SDK client Star Finanz-Software Entwicklung und Vertriebs GmbH with product sfirm Docutain SDK client Star Finanz-Software Entwicklung und Vertriebs GmbH, Hamburg Docutain SDK client Star Finanz-Software Entwicklung und Vertriebs GmbH with product STARMONEY Docutain SDK client Informacijske rešitve, AISS, d.o.o., Slowenien Docutain SDK client Mediteo GmbH, Heidelberg Docutain SDK client LIV Systems GmbH, Darmstadt Docutain SDK client Baker Hughes INTEQ GmbH, Celle Docutain SDK client Porter Technologies DMCC, Dubai Docutain SDK client Henara GmbH, Potsdam Docutain SDK client New ProImage Ltd., Israel Docutain SDK client VYRTY Corporation DBA Sync.MD, USA Docutain SDK client tSpoonLab, s.l., Spain Docutain SDK client LoadMiles, USA Docutain SDK client KKH Kaufmaennische Krankenkasse, Hannover Docutain SDK client Uniconta S/A, Denmark Docutain SDK client SIMA S.r.l, Italy Docutain SDK client Diasbytes, Belgium Docutain SDK client Keystops LLC, USA Docutain SDK client Trinity Frozen Foods, USA Docutain SDK client fino run GmbH, Germany Docutain SDK client CRST The Transportation Solution, Inc., USA Docutain SDK client Vertrax Inc., USA Docutain SDK client Seewara GmbH, Germany Docutain SDK client Digital Permit Book, USA Docutain SDK client Chronicle Technologies, USA
Docutain SDK client Star Finanz-Software Entwicklung und Vertriebs GmbH with product sfirm Docutain SDK client Star Finanz-Software Entwicklung und Vertriebs GmbH, Hamburg Docutain SDK client Star Finanz-Software Entwicklung und Vertriebs GmbH with product STARMONEY Docutain SDK client Informacijske rešitve, AISS, d.o.o., Slowenien Docutain SDK client Mediteo GmbH, Heidelberg Docutain SDK client LIV Systems GmbH, Darmstadt Docutain SDK client Baker Hughes INTEQ GmbH, Celle Docutain SDK client Porter Technologies DMCC, Dubai Docutain SDK client Henara GmbH, Potsdam Docutain SDK client New ProImage Ltd., Israel Docutain SDK client VYRTY Corporation DBA Sync.MD, USA Docutain SDK client tSpoonLab, s.l., Spain Docutain SDK client LoadMiles, USA Docutain SDK client KKH Kaufmaennische Krankenkasse, Hannover Docutain SDK client Uniconta S/A, Denmark Docutain SDK client SIMA S.r.l, Italy Docutain SDK client Diasbytes, Belgium Docutain SDK client Keystops LLC, USA Docutain SDK client Trinity Frozen Foods, USA Docutain SDK client fino run GmbH, Germany Docutain SDK client CRST The Transportation Solution, Inc., USA Docutain SDK client Vertrax Inc., USA Docutain SDK client Seewara GmbH, Germany Docutain SDK client Digital Permit Book, USA Docutain SDK client Chronicle Technologies, USA

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Powerful scan & data extraction APIs

Use our ready-made solutions so your teams don't waste months implementing complex functionality to enable document scanning and data extraction.

DocutainSDK for Android
import de.docutain.sdk.ui.ScanResult

val documentScanResult = registerForActivityResult(ScanResult()) { result ->
        //user finished scan process, continue with your workflow
        //generate PDF by using Document.writePDF()
        //get detected Text by using DocumentDataReader.getText()
        //get data by using DocumentDataReader.analyze()
    } else{
        //user canceled scan process


myButton.setOnClickListener {
    val scanConfig = DocumentScannerConfiguration()